Looking for a special memento to remember your Honors Performance Series experience? You've come to the right place!
Show your WorldStrides Pride
Check out the WorldStrides Store's array of functional, sustainable souvenirs to commemorate your Series experience.

February 2024 Professional Performance Photos
The professional photographs of all ensembles performing on stage at Carnegie Hall are now available for purchase! Instructions for accessing those photos are included below:
- Visit cgvincent.zenfolio.com on your computer browser (mobile devices are not encouraged due to site compatibility issues).
- Click "High School Honors 2024".
- Select the gallery you’re interested in viewing and enter the password: honors2024
- Click on any image to enlarge it.
- If you wish to purchase a photo, click on “buy” at the top of the page; available sizes and pricing will come up.
- When you have added all of your desired images to your cart, continue to the shopping cart to finalize your order with a credit card.
- All orders will be shipped in about 7-10 days, and photos will be available to purchase online through March 31, 2024.
- Please note: The photo website and production process are administered by CG Vincent Photography. Click here to contact the photographer directly with questions about ordering.

Commemorative Digital Rehearsal Recordings

Since licensing restrictions prohibit us from recording audio/video of the concert itself, we instead have a professional audio recording of the repertoire made during rehearsals.
The digital rehearsal recordings are included in the program tuition for the 2025/2026 Honors Performance Series programs. Production can take up to 6 weeks after the program to complete and instructions to download the rehearsal recordings will be emailed to the address on your account.
The Honors Performance Series is proudly presented and operated by WorldStrides.